
Do you know the types of stamping dies? 

你知道沖床模具的種類嗎?  1

Do you know the types of stamping dies?

The order quantity decides the type of stamping die.

After sourcing some of stamping factories,you might get prices which vary a lot.Because there are some different ways of making the dies.

Usually the quantity is the main factor.

1. Simple die

Usually it is for samller order quantity or sample stage.
如下料、折彎、沖孔、倒角、沖扁….等等方式。需要人力一關接一關的手 工製作。
The die cost will be lower but the human cost will be higher because the speed is slower so the cost per pc will be higher.

2.Progressive die

It is for high production quantity and high accuracy.
The die cost will be higher but cost per pc will be lower. It is usually highly automatic.

3.Strip forming machine die

It is a middle option and solution which integrade forming and stamping to do the forming and stamping in one station.
It is suitable for middle budget. Die cost is necessary but not as high as progressive die cost. Human cost is necessary but not as high as simple die.
Besides, it can complete various types of jobs which can not be completed on stamping machines.

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